Southeast Asia Statement Translations

Announcing a Southeast Asian Anarchist Library

The Southeast Asian Anarchist Library is the newest offering from The Anarchist Library which features multilingual anarchist literature from Southeast Asia or in Southeast Asian languages.

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Southeast Asia

FedAO has concluded their organizing after the release of their incarcerated comrades

The saga of the Tangerang vandalism case has concluded. Federasi Anti Otoritarian released a final statement.

We, Federasi Anti Otoritarian (Fed AO) and Kolektif Kucing, are composed of individuals as well as collective federations formed on an ad hoc basis when our comrades were arrested and charged for vandalism in June 2020. We were coordinating and conducting our activities on a loose basis with no structural order. Our aim was to push up our comrades’ case so that it wouldn’t be overlooked or drowned by the gossip of some celebrities.

Southeast Asia

The Tangerang Vandalism Case: The Court Decides Guilt Despite Torture and Inappropriate Application of Articles

A report by the Federasi Anti-Otoritarian.

On September 28, 2020 the Tangerang District Court (Pengadilan Negeri) judges read out the verdict of the the anti-authoritarians accused of vandalism. The judges sentenced Muhammad Riski Riyanto Bin Abdul Syukur (age 21) and Rio Imanuel Adolof Pattinama (aka Petrus Adolof Pattinama; age 23) to prison for 10 months in case No: 1136/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Tng. They were declared to have spread false news and to have deliberately spread disturbances among the people as regulated in Article 14 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 1, Year 1946, concerning Criminal Law Regulation.

Republished Southeast Asia

Banner Drop Action by Malaysian Comrades

Communication received via email.


We were told by friends in Malaysia that the transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic has gradually subsided since the pandemic struck earlier this year.

Republished Southeast Asia

Update on Anti-Authoritarian Prisoners Involved in Vandalism (Tangerang and Bekasi, Indonesia)

Saturday, July 25th 2020; report written by the Anti-authoritarian Federation (FedAO).

Three anti-authoritarian detainees from Tangerang and Bekasi (Indonesia) are charged with “provocation” for spraying graffiti and can be charged up to ten years in prison. The police have unlawfully isolated them from their families and legal aides. A report written by the Anti-authoritarian Federation (FedAO) of Indonesia and an update to “Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in Tangerang and Bekasi in Indonesia.”

Republished Southeast Asia

Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in Tangerang and Bekasi in Indonesia

Anti Feminist Feminist Club, an anarcho-feminist collective in Indonesia, sent us this message asking for support for anarchist prisoners in Indonesia. We are reproducing this message.

The anti-anarchist repression in Indonesia is still ongoing whilst the country (and the world) is in the middle of a pandemic. Last month the anarchist milieu in the Philippines published a statement in support of imprisoned anarchist comrades in Indonesia. (See: In Solidarity With Comrades Imprisoned in Malang and Tangerang, Indonesia.)