Original Writing Republished Translations

Zorn über Stolz

Geschrieben von Adrienne Onday und im Englischen veröffentlicht auf friendship anarchy. Read in English.


Ich möchte über Genderfragen in „progressiven/radikalen/revolutionären Räumen“ sprechen, bevor der Pride Month endet, weil es so wichtig ist. Ich muss cis (het) Männer ((Für diejenigen, die es vielleicht nicht wissen: cis ist die Abkürzung für „cisgendered“, was bedeutet, dass dein Geschlecht deinem bei der Geburt zugewiesenen Geschlecht entspricht, während het die Abkürzung für „heterosexuell“ ist. Ich setze het in Klammern, weil die Verhaltensweisen, die ich anspreche, nicht nur bei cisgendered heterosexuellen Männern vorkommen, sondern manchmal auch bei cisgendered homosexuellen oder bisexuellen Männern; allerdings sind die Verhaltensweisen oft bei cis het Männern zu beobachten. Diese Spezifizierung ist wichtig, weil cis Männer in einer Gesellschaft aufgewachsen sind, die ihre Erfahrungen und Realitäten privilegiert und alle anderen Erfahrungen und Realitäten als falsch, abweichend oder untermenschlich behandelt.)) in radikalen/progressiven Räumen ansprechen – besonders die anarchistischen, marxistischen oder allgemein progressiven Männer, die ich sehe oder kenne.

Original Writing Statement

Interlinking our Struggles in Gender and Queer Issues

A statement from Bandilang Itim.

Silence is not golden

Some among us in Bandilang Itim are men who are cisgender and/or heterosexual. As cis/het men in Bandilang Itim who are raised with the privilege of being men, we are not experts on gender or queer issues nor have experience as women or queer. This ought not mean we stay silent on the issues that confront our sisters and queer siblings. As Adrienne Onday declares in her important piece, “Wrath Over Pride: A call-out post to ‘radical’ cis (het) men and their inadequacy in gender struggles,” “[Y]our silence is violence to us.” Our silence is violence to those struggling against gender-based oppression. We have people we love—partners, family, comrades, and friends—who are queer or who are women, and we owe it to them to speak against cisheteronormative discrimination and patriarchal practices that persist in our milieus and in our spaces. Queer people and women are angry that they still experience discrimination, infantilization, and oppression within our spaces. They are tired that they are consistently alone when they speak out against their own oppression. Not having queer experiences is not a reason for staying silent. If we do not have these experiences or expertise, we then ought to defer to the experiences of queer people and women. The issue of silence, censorship, or ignorance of women or queer issues is also a violence itself. When we are silent we are accomplices to the violence of the patriarchal system and the intricate network of oppression. We must join women and queer people and speak out for and with them especially in situations and spaces where they may not be able to speak for themselves.

Original Writing

Wrath Over Pride

Written by Adrienne Onday and originally published at friendship anarchy.

I want to talk about gender issues in “progressive/radical/revolutionary spaces” before Pride Month ends because it’s so important. I need to call out cis (het) men1 in radical/progressive spaces—especially the anarchist, Marxist, or generally progressive men that I see around or know.

  1. For those who might not know: cis is shorthand for “cisgendered,” meaning your gender matches your assigned sex at birth, while het is shorthand for “heterosexual” or straight. I put het in parentheses because the behaviors I am calling out are not only present in cisgendered heterosexual men but sometimes even cisgendered homosexual or bisexual men; however it is often in cis het men that the behaviors are observable. This specification is important because of the way cis men are raised in a society that privileges their experiences and realities while treating any other experiences and realities as wrong or deviant or subhuman.